Thursday, December 15, 2011

I think my school teacher abused us ?

When a person is forced to do something they don't want to do it's abuse. When someone does something to someone that they do like, it's abuse. All of these things can be really detrimental to one's well being. Getting naked in front of someone else can be very difficult. Especially at an age where your body is changing and you're starting to feel self-conscious. I say that yes you were abused, and you have to find a way to overcome the mental anguish that abuse is causing you. Things like this take a lot of time and effort. The first thing you have to do is find out what made you so uncomfortable. Dissect the whole situation so you can understand it. After you understand you can forgive and heal. Just because you weren't victimized per se you were still abused. Things affect people differently, that's just the way it is.


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