Saturday, December 17, 2011

Are guns really the root of all evil???

Come on Sgt. G. you know the answer to your question. "Guns don't kill people, people do" I know it's an old saying, but if they did'nt have a gun ( the bad guy's) they would just use anything else they could get thier hands on. A gun is a tool just like anyother. In the right hands it is one's only true protection. If you rely on 911. You will end up dead before the police can get there.That is a proven fact. You, me and everyone else is responsible for our own safety. The media can't stand the fact that every state that has the right to carry laws, have not become the battle grounds that they predicted they would. Not to mention that the crime rates in those states have all fallen. The madia loves to try to point to someother reason for the drop in crime, but the real reasons are clear. The crooks don't know who is armed and who is'nt. So are guns the root of all evil..... I say no!, but the evil is in heart and soul, of those who would do others harm. If there are not those of us that will stand up against that evil. Than the evil wins. You could take away every gun in the nation and those who would do unto others would just use rocks.....


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